Friday, July 12, 2013

Insights in To Ramadan as a Muslim

Al-Hamdu-lillahi rabbi-l-caalamiin. 
Maaliki yawmi-d-diin. 

'Iyyaaka nacbudu wa 'iyyaaka nastaciinu.
SiraaTa-lladhiina 'ancamta calayhim.
Ghayri-1-maghDuubi calayhim walaa-D-Daalliin.


     The opening Pray for the Ramadan fast. It must be recited by all Muslims for their fast to count during the month of ramadan, Just after the Dua for Ramadan. Many out siders seem to think that Islam their are many stupid rules and regulations to it and that one must fallow them to the, T in order to be a good muslim. Well those who feel this way, I have seen, have not really been part of any religious faith at least not whole heartedly. They also have a heard time in general with religion. They also seem to just have problems with all forms of authority in general whether it be in religion or life in general. there is nothing wrong with that. i just don't see them being a part of any major religion even if they do consider them selves part of one.

     Today is June 10th.  Today in all its splender marks the first day of ramadan for the year. I my self as a practicing muslim observed the fast. Fasting in the states her begins at Farj, morning prayer which at this time of year begins around 3:40 and progresively later as ramadan goes on. Fasting then goes until 9 pm and progressively earlier as ramadan goes on.

     As I am writing this I have just finished my first day, of my first Ramadan as a practicing new Muslim, which after Iftar I feel has been a really rewarding day. I am really proud of my self being able to make it through my first day. To say the least as a new Muslim I am not the best at it. I understand that it is only my first year as a new Muslim and thus far has been emotionally hard for me. The only reason is though because of the amount of discrimination I've had. Also I have had a hard time with the non-muslims out there because of them not having any understanding of my own personal religious obligations. One of my major issues I've had is that of, my boss not being allowed to pray every prayer. and not being able to go to go to jumah pray every friday. the last time i was allowed to go to my last jumah is a few weeks ago. I am feeling very bad about being unable to go because I do strongly believe in Islam. Also because it is a big part of my faith as a muslim.

     How ever I do feel really good to have made it through my first day of Ramadan. I hope to be successful tomorrow as well with no issues how ever i wont know until after fasting tomorrow. For now I will just leave you with this Ramadan Kareem and Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahtemallah Wa Barakathu.

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