Monday, August 5, 2013

In Sights In To Ramadan As A Muslim

Well as Eid fast approaches the ending celebration of Ramadan, many Muslims begin to reflect on how they may have done. over the month long fast. A fast which is to put the religious faith of all to the test and life's reality in the hearts of the everyday Muslim. Many Muslims begin to question their choices and what they are doing with their lives. It also makes them question what they may need to change or what they may need to add to their lives to not only become better Muslims but also better people in a world where not all people are Muslims or of the believers. How they interact with others and them selves. It truly a final time of reflection for Ramadan and see where you would like to be with in the next year or so as a person, as a Muslim or what eve title you choose to prescribe to as a human.

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